Quick Training Anyone Can Use!

This is just some quick training for anyone who comes to the website and for anyone who joins my team: Varolo Journey Cash Team.

Now keep in mind this is not going to be super well organized, just quick and useful tips for anyone wanting to promote varolo and build your village!

  Building Your Varolo Village

Don't let this be stress and annoying on yourself, just do a bit each day. It takes time, it won't happen overnight!

Top 5 Ways To Build Your Downline!

1) Tell family and friends: I am not a fan of telling people really close to me about this stuff, but if you are then you should do it. There is no harm really. Also keep in mind to be a user it is 100% free. It takes work to actually see any kind of earnings but if you are willing to work hard then you should give Varolo a shot and let the people close to you know.

2) Forum Participation: By going to forums that talk about new opportunities like this and work at home you can make a name for yourself. Connect with people and ask questions. My 2 favorite work at home forums are:


Both of these forums are free to use. There is a lot to be learned by reading and offering advice to these forums. So now you may be wondering, how do I get people to my Varolo page from here? You use your forum signature as a means of promotion. It is not guaranteed to get 1,000s of clicks or anything crazy like that but you can usually get some interested people.

This picture is of my signature from the internet marketing forum. I did this picture to show the HTML tags used,


  You can see I am promoting my blog in one link and my Varolo page in the other.

Do not spam post on forums or put your links to referral websites or your blogs in the body of text when you are responding to post, this is a great way to get banned. Forum marketing can take time but from my old blog alone I had slow days of 5 visits from a blog or 20 the next, it might not seem like an amazing amount of traffic but you need to become a valued member not someone just trying to promote links.

3) Social Networking: Are you already a member of websites like Youtube? Facebook? Myspace? or Twitter? These can be great ways to get interested people looking at your page. On websites you can easily update your status sharing your signup link. Again don't be spammy, if you don't want to do that you could always email a few people in your friend list who might be interested. On websites like Youtube you can do even better and make a video about Varolo and then in the description box place your link.

4) Start A Website Or Blog: If you like writing and want to be able to design your own page with a profile you should look into a website or blog. I use blogger which is part of google so in my opinion the best way to go! You can write post about Varolo and other interesting products. By doing a website and blog you can post about other things not just Varolo, unless you want to keep it strictly about Varolo.

5) Traffic Exchanges: Though this is not always the best way to go, it is an easy way to get traffic to your Varolo signup page or blog. You will have to spend time surfing other websites but in a short amount of time you can easily do this once a day and then submit your credits to your website or blog, this way your site will show up in the rotation of websites being advertised to people on traffic exchanges.

*Note: Do not submit blogs with google adsense, as it is against googles policy*

Although traffic exchanges may not bring targeted traffic every time it is ok, you want as much traffic coming to your page as possible.

I could sit here and list some more stuff but I am not going to. The reason for this is because I am writing a short ebook with more detailed training on this stuff. If you become a member of my Varolo village I will offer the free ebook.